Results for 'Frederik de Sloovere'

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  1.  31
    Attribution of intentional agency towards robots reduces one’s own sense of agency.Francesca Ciardo, Frederike Beyer, Davide De Tommaso & Agnieszka Wykowska - 2020 - Cognition 194:104109.
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    Ontology-driven conceptual modeling: A systematic literature mapping and review.Michaël Verdonck, Frederik Gailly, Sergio de Cesare & Geert Poels - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):197-227.
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    “That Will Do”: Logics of Deontic Necessity and Sufficiency.Frederik Van De Putte - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (3):473-511.
    We study a logic for deontic necessity and sufficiency, as originally proposed in van Benthem :36–41, 1979). Building on earlier work in modal logic, we provide a sound and complete axiomatization for it, consider some standard extensions, and study other important properties. After that, we compare this logic to the logic of “obligation as weakest permission” from Anglberger et al. :807–827, 2015).
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    Teaching and learning the nature of technical artifacts.I. Frederik, W. Sonneveld & M. J. De Vries - unknown
    Artifacts are probably our most obvious everyday encounter with technology. Therefore, a good understanding of the nature of technical artifacts is a relevant part of technological literacy. In this article we draw from the philosophy of technology to develop a conceptualization of technical artifacts that can be used for educational purposes. Furthermore we report a small exploratory empirical study to see to what extent teachers’ intuitive ideas about artifacts match with the way philosophers write about the nature of artifacts. Finally, (...)
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    Pooling Modalities and Pointwise Intersection: Semantics, Expressivity, and Dynamics.Frederik Van De Putte & Dominik Klein - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (3):485-523.
    We study classical modal logics with pooling modalities, i.e. unary modal operators that allow one to express properties of sets obtained by the pointwise intersection of neighbourhoods. We discuss salient properties of these modalities, situate the logics in the broader area of modal logics, establish key properties concerning their expressive power, discuss dynamic extensions of these logics and provide reduction axioms for the latter.
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    Extending the standard format of adaptive logics to the prioritized case.Frederik Van De Putte & Christian Straßer - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 120 (220):601--641.
  7.  30
    Hierarchic adaptive logics.Frederik Van De Putte - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (1):45-72.
    This article discusses the proof theory, semantics and meta-theory of a class of adaptive logics, called hierarchic adaptive logics. Their specific characteristics are illustrated throughout the article with the use of one exemplary logic HKx, an explicans for reasoning with prioritized belief bases. A generic proof theory for these systems is defined, together with a less complex proof theory for a subclass of them. Soundness and a restricted form of completeness are established with respect to a non-redundant semantics. It is (...)
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    Pooling Modalities and Pointwise Intersection: Axiomatization and Decidability.Frederik Van De Putte & Dominik Klein - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):47-93.
    We establish completeness and the finite model property for logics featuring the pooling modalities that were introduced in Van De Putte and Klein. The definition of our canonical models combines standard techniques with a so-called “puzzle piece construction”, which we first illustrate informally. After that, we apply it to the weakest classical logics with pooling modalities and investigate the technique’s potential for the axiomatization of stronger logics, obtained by imposing well-known frame conditions on the models.
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  9. Logical Disagreement.Frederik J. Andersen - 2024 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews
    While the epistemic significance of disagreement has been a popular topic in epistemology for at least a decade, little attention has been paid to logical disagreement. This monograph is meant as a remedy. The text starts with an extensive literature review of the epistemology of (peer) disagreement and sets the stage for an epistemological study of logical disagreement. The guiding thread for the rest of the work is then three distinct readings of the ambiguous term ‘logical disagreement’. Chapters 1 and (...)
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  10. Modeling Deep Disagreement in Default Logic.Frederik J. Andersen - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Logic 21 (2):47-63.
    Default logic has been a very active research topic in artificial intelligence since the early 1980s, but has not received as much attention in the philosophical literature thus far. This paper shows one way in which the technical tools of artificial intelligence can be applied in contemporary epistemology by modeling a paradigmatic case of deep disagreement using default logic. In §1 model-building viewed as a kind of philosophical progress is briefly motivated, while §2 introduces the case of deep disagreement we (...)
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    (1 other version)Original position arguments: an axiomatic characterization.Thijs De Coninck & Frederik Van De Putte - forthcoming - Economics and Philosophy:1-32.
    We study original position arguments in the context of social choice under ignorance. First, we present a general formal framework for such arguments. Next, we provide an axiomatic characterization of social choice rules that can be supported by original position arguments. We illustrate this characterization in terms of various well-known social choice rules, some of which do and some of which do not satisfy the axioms in question. Depending on the perspective one takes, our results can be used to argue (...)
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  12.  47
    Preferential Semantics using Non-smooth Preference Relations.Frederik Van De Putte & Christian Straßer - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (5):903-942.
    This paper studies the properties of eight semantic consequence relations defined from a Tarski-logic L and a preference relation ≺. They are equivalent to Shoham’s so-called preferential entailment for smooth model structures, but avoid certain problems of the latter in non-smooth configurations. Each of the logics can be characterized in terms of what we call multi-selection semantics. After discussing this type of semantics, we focus on some concrete proposals from the literature, checking a number of meta-theoretic properties and elaborating on (...)
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  13. Pointwise Intersection in Neighbourhood Modal Logic.Frederik van De Putte & Dominik Klein - 2018 - In Guram Bezhanishvili, Giovanna D'Agostino, George Metcalfe & Thomas Studer (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 12. College Publications. pp. 591-610.
    We study the logic of neighbourhood models with pointwise intersection, as a means to characterize multi-modal logics. Pointwise intersection takes us from a set of neighbourhood sets Ni (one for each member i of a set G used to interpret the modality □) to a new neighbourhood set NG, which in turn allows us to interpret the operator □G Here, X is in the neighbourhood for G if and only if X equals the intersection of some Y {Yi | Yi (...)
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  14.  5
    Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging.Frederik de Lange - 2015 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
    Good aging : toward an ethics of aging -- The ethics of love -- Why we do not love the elderly -- Taking care of your old self -- Love for aging neighbors.
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  15. Adaptive logics: a parametric approach.Frederik Van De Putte & Christian Straßer - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):905--932.
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    Functional Connectivity of EEG Signals Under Laser Stimulation in Migraine.Marina de Tommaso, Gabriele Trotta, Eleonora Vecchio, Katia Ricci, Frederik Van de Steen, Anna Montemurno, Marta Lorenzo, Daniele Marinazzo, Roberto Bellotti & Sebastiano Stramaglia - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  17. Cycad toxicity.Frederik A. de Wolff & Gw Bruyn - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 21.
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    Evaluation of Response Processes to the Danish Version of the Dutch Multifactor Fatigue Scale in Stroke Using the Three-Step Test-Interview.Frederik L. Dornonville de la Cour, Anne Norup, Trine Schow & Tonny Elmose Andersen - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:642680.
    Validated self-report measures of post-stroke fatigue are lacking. The Dutch Multifactor Fatigue Scale (DMFS) was translated into Danish, and response process evidence of validity was evaluated. DMFS consists of 38 Likert-rated items distributed on five subscales: Impact of fatigue (11 items), Signs and direct consequences of fatigue (9), Mental fatigue (7), Physical fatigue (6), and Coping with fatigue (5). Response processes to DMFS were investigated using a Three-Step Test-Interview (TSTI) protocol, and data were analyzed using Framework Analysis. Response processes were (...)
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    Obligation as weakest permission: A strongly complete axiomatization.Frederik van de Putte - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):370-379.
    In, a deontic logic is proposed which explicates the idea that a formulaφis obligatory if and only if it is the weakest permission. We give a sound and strongly complete, Hilbert style axiomatization for this logic. As a corollary, it is compact, contradicting earlier claims from Anglbergeret al.. In addition, we prove that our axiomatization is equivalent to Anglberger et al.’s infinitary proof system, and show that our results are robust w.r.t. certain changes in the underlying semantics.
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    L'essor de la diagrammatologie.Frederik Stjernfelt & Jean-Marie Chevalier - 2021 - Cahiers Philosophiques 163 (4):93-104.
    En 2007, le philosophe danois Frederik Stjernfelt a donné une nouvelle vigueur aux études sur les diagrammes en publiant son opus majeur Diagrammatology. Ce terme a acquis l’extension d’une sous-discipline à part entière à l’intérieur des études sémiotiques. La diagrammatologie fédère aujourd’hui des recherches venues des sciences cognitives aussi bien que du post-structuralisme, des mathématiques et des études littéraires. Frederik Stjernfelt explique comment la diagrammatologie résulte pour lui d’une redéfinition de certains concepts fondamentaux (ceux de signe, de proposition (...)
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    Nah und fern zugleich. Ästhetisch-ethische Überlegungen zur Architektur.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2024 - In Daniel Martin Feige & Sandra Meireis (eds.), Ästhetik und Architektur. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 87-110.
  22.  3
    Adorno und die Medien. Kritik, Relevanz, Ästhetik.Popp Judith-Frederike & Lioudmila Voropai (eds.) - 2023 - Berlin: Kadmos.
    Theodor W. Adornos Denken war Zeit seines Lebens von einem ebenso fruchtbaren wie zwiespältigen Verhältnis zu den Medien durchdrungen. Dabei verstand er es, seine gesellschaftskritischen Überlegungen an ihnen ebenso zu schärfen wie sie für die Vermittlung seiner Analysen an ein breites Publikum zu nutzen. Auch wenn er diese ambivalente Haltung an damaligen Medien entwickelte, erweist sich der Ansatz als vielversprechend, sie an der heutigen Medienlandschaft in ihrem Einfluss auf Gesellschaft, Politik und Kultur zu erproben. Die Fragen nach der Relevanz von (...)
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  23.  19
    Methoden in Form bringen. Über die Verbindungen gestalterischer und wissenschaftlicher Rationalität.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2024 - In Lars Christian Grabbe & Tobias Held (eds.), Designforschung und Designwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer. pp. 195-211.
    Der vorliegende Aufsatz widmet sich der Charakterisierung von Methoden als Bezugspunkt der Designforschung aus einer rationalitätstheoretischen Perspektive. Im Fokus steht dabei zum einen die Überlegung, wie der Einsatz von kreativen und wissenschaftlichen Methoden den Gestaltungsprozess systematisiert und rationalisiert. Zum anderen geht es darum, wie die spezifischen Qualitäten von Designprozessen etablierte Verständnisse sowohl von Wissenschaft und Forschung als auch von Rationalität als solcher herausfordern. Mit Bezug auf konkrete Beispiele für Forschungsprojekte wird die Möglichkeit erkundet, inwieweit die pragmatisch formende Verhandlung eines methodischen (...)
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  24.  7
    De zin van de vrijheid in het menselijk bestaan.Frederik Jacobus Johannes Buytendijk - 1958 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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  25. Hvad er Konsekventialisme?Frederik J. Andersen - 2022 - Refleks 56 (1):34-41.
    Den filosofiske position konsekventialisme er ofte genstand for debat i filosofikredse, men alt for hyppigt opstår der misforståelser blandt de involverede, fordi de ikke er eksplicitte, hvad grundantagelser og væsentlige distinktioner angår. Denne korte artikel vil give en approksimation af, hvad der forstås ved konsekventialisme på et generisk niveau. Målet med artiklen er at klargøre nogle af de grundantagelser og distinktioner, som konsekventialister ofte benytter i deres teoridannelse, og som bør holdes for øje i ønsket om en frugtbar debat.
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    Parlementaire circulatie in de Belgische Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers, 1831-2008.Frederik Verleden & Christophe Heyneman - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (4):383-408.
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    L'immense solitude: avec Friedrich Nietzsche et Cesare Pavese, orphelins sous le ciel de Turin.Frederik Pajak - 1999 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    A première vue, Friedrich Nietzsche et Cesare Pavese n'ont rien en commun. Et pourtant! Tous deux sont orphelins de père. Tous deux ont grandi dans un entourage exclusivement féminin. Tous deux n'ont jamais su se faire aimer d'une femme. Tous deux sont également poètes. Tous deux ont eu une vie brève, solitaire et émouvante. Et tous deux ont amplement écrit sur Turin, sur son atmosphère si parfaitement " psychologique ". De cette ville, qui fut un temps la capitale de l'Italie, (...)
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    Nietzsche et son père: avec vingt et un dessins de l'auteur.Frederik Pajak - 2003 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Nietzsche ne peut que se tuer lui-même pour tuer son père ; et, en se tuant, il ne fait que tuer un père déjà mort. Est-ce à dire que Nietzsche va mourir de ne pouvoir tuer son père?
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    Delineando o problema da medição na mecânica quântica: o debate de Margenau e Wigner versus Putnam.Frederik Moreira dos Santos & Osvaldo Pessoa Júnior - 2011 - Scientiae Studia 9 (3):625-644.
  30.  9
    Der Exzess als ästhetisches Potenzial. Mediale Selbstgestaltung auf Theodor W. Adornos Prüfstand.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2023 - In Popp Judith-Frederike & Lioudmila Voropai (eds.), Adorno und die Medien. Kritik, Relevanz, Ästhetik. Berlin: Kadmos. pp. 251-267.
  31.  27
    Kant's "Aesthetic Idea": Towards an Aesthetics of Non-Attention.Frederik Tygstrup - 2023 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 32 (65).
    In Critique of Judgment, Kant introduces a foundational theme in modern aesthetics by identifying the judgment of taste as a particular mode of attention. In distinction to the mode of attention in mundane experience that works by determining how an intuition can be subsumed under a concept, aesthetic attention celebrates the pleasure associated with the “unison in the play of the powers of the mind” confronted with “the manifold in a thing.” Aesthetic attention, in other words, is an aesthetic subject’s (...)
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    Consentimento Informado. Podemos Fazer Melhor Em Defesa da Privacidade.Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius - 2016 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 2 (2):80-90.
    Precisamos repensar a nossa abordagem quanto à proteção da privacidade na internet. Atualmente, os formuladores de políticas vêm se aprofundando na ideia de consentimento informado como um meio para proteger a privacidade. Por exemplo, em diversos países, as empresas são obrigadas por lei a obter o consentimento de um indivíduo antes de fazer uso dos seus dados; com base nessas requisitos de consentimento informado, a lei tem por objetivo empoderar as pessoas a fazerem escolhas de privacidade tendo em vista os (...)
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    Adornos kritische Theorie der Medien: Konstellationen der Aktualisierung.Popp Judith-Frederike & Lioudmila Voropai - 2023 - In Popp Judith-Frederike & Lioudmila Voropai (eds.), Adorno und die Medien. Kritik, Relevanz, Ästhetik. Berlin: Kadmos. pp. 7-21.
  34.  5
    Die Kunst der Vermittlung. Offenes als ästhetisches Denken bei Bernhard Waldenfels.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2021 - In Barbara Schellhammer (ed.), Zwischen Phänomenologie und Psychoanalyse: Im interdisziplinären Gespräch mit Bernhard Waldenfels. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. pp. 115-124.
  35.  24
    Introduction: Continental Interpretations of Hellenistic Thought.Frederik Bakker, Antonio Cimino & Elena Nicoli - 2020 - Symposium 24 (2):1-4.
    Cette introduction présente et contextualise les articles publiés dans la section spéciale dont le but est d’analyser l’interprétation de la pensée hellénistique chez les philosophes continentaux très influents tels que : Agamben, Arendt, Blumenberg, Foucault, Heidegger et Stiegler. Les articles prêtent une attention particulière à trois directions de recherche. Ils examinent tout d’abord l’influence de la pensée hellénistique sur ces auteurs et la façon dont ils ont interprété, utilisé et mésinterprété l’héritage des philosophies hellé-nistiques. Deuxièmement, les articles analysent les hypothèses (...)
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    Motion to the Center or Motion to the Whole? Plutarch’s Views on Gravity and Their Influence on Galileo.Frederik Bakker & Carla Rita Palmerino - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):217-238.
    While it is well known that Plutarch’s De facie in orbe lunae was a major source of inspiration for Galileo’s Sidereus nuncius, its influence on his Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo, and especially on his views on gravity, has not been sufficiently explored. This essay offers the first systematic comparison of Plutarch’s and Galileo’s accounts of gravity by focusing on four themes: the thought experiment of a stone falling in a tunnel passing through the center of the (...)
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  37.  20
    Den transnationale uddannelsesrevolutions opløsning af pædagogikkens egenart.Frederik Pio - 2019 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 8 (2):58-79.
    Artiklen perspektiverer på den almene pædagogiks aktuelle, pressede tilstand, i lyset af de centrale, transnationale udviklingstendenser inden for uddannelsesstyring der har gjort sig gældende de sidste ca. 25-30 år. Dette gøres, ved at tage afsæt i de såkaldte antinomier, som en række pædagogiske forskere har forholdt sig til som definerende for moderne pædagogik. Denne tematik blevet sat på dagsordenen af aktuelle uddannelsesforskere som bl.a. Alexander von Oettingen; Michael Uljens; Lars Løvlie; Gert Biesta, Birgit Schaffar og Dietrich Benner. Oettingen ser nærmere (...)
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    Etwas in die Welt stellen. Designhandlungen als Herausforderung für die philosophisch-ästhetische Theoriebildung.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2022 - Alltag - Kultur - Wissenschaft. Beiträge Zur Europäischen Ethnologie 9:159-182.
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    Autorschaft.Popp Judith-Frederike - 2021 - In Siegmund Judith (ed.), Handbuch Kunstphilosophie. Stuttgart: Utb. pp. 19-36.
    In this paper, an overview is presented over the complex phenomenon of artistic authorship against the background of its historical, medial and social conditions before discussing some thoughts about the similarities and differences of artistic and aesthetic authorship as well as their implications for conceptions of subjectivity.
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    JUSTUS VON DANIELS. Religiöses Recht als Referenz.Frederik V. Harbou - 2011 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 97 (1):147-149.
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    Vom Krieg gezeichnet. Isao Takahatas "Die letzten Glühwürmchen".Popp Judith-Frederike - 2015 - In Angela Keppler, Martin Seel & Popp Judith-Frederike (eds.), Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. pp. 119-137.
  42.  9
    Erkenntnis und Wertung: Das Grundproblem der Erkenntnislehre und der Ethik.Frederik Vinding Kruse - 2019 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Erkenntnis und Wertung" verfügbar.
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    Grossforschung mit kleinen Teilchen: Das Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY 1956-1970. Claus Habfast.Frederik Nebeker - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):171-172.
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    No Grain of Salt.Frederik Juliaan Vervaet - 2020 - Hermes 148 (2):149.
    That Cn. Pompeius Magnus (cos. 70, II 55, III 52) was charged with the Roman cura annonae in September 57 is a fact quite well known to Roman historians and all interested in the history of the late Republic. Although Pompeius’ grain commission in many respects represented a novel development, relatively few have bothered to study the fine detail of what happened to be the third and final extraordinary proconsulship of his remarkable career, signifying that several important questions remain largely (...)
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    Atmosphäre und Stimmung.Frederik Wellmann - 2017 - In Pablo Schneider & Marion Lauschke (eds.), 23 Manifeste Zu Bildakt Und Verkörperung. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 19-24.
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  46. Abduction of Generalizations.Tjerk Gauderis & Frederik Van De Putte - 2012 - Theoria 27 (3):345-363.
    _Abduction of generalizations_ is the process in which explanatory hypotheses are formed for an observed, yet puzzling generalization such as ``pineapples taste sweet" or ``rainbows appear when the sun breaks through the rain". This phenomenon has received little attention in formal logic and philosophy of science. The current paper remedies this lacuna by first giving an overview of some general characteristics of this process, elaborating on its ubiquity in scientific and daily life reasoning. Second, the adaptive logic $\LAG$ is presented (...)
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  47. The dynamics of relevance: adaptive belief revision.Peter Verdée & Frederik Van De Putte - 2012 - Synthese 187 (S1):1-42.
    This paper presents eight (previously unpublished) adaptive logics for belief revision, each of which define a belief revision operation in the sense of the AGM framework. All these revision operations are shown to satisfy the six basic AGM postulates for belief revision, and Parikh's axiom of Relevance. Using one of these logics as an example, we show how their proof theory gives a more dynamic flavor to belief revision than existing approaches. It is argued that this turns belief revision (that (...)
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    Perverse Effects of Other-Referenced Performance Goals in an Information Exchange Context.P. Marijn Poortvliet, Frederik Anseel, Onne Janssen, Nico W. Van Yperen & Evert Van de Vliert - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):401-414.
    We argue and demonstrate that an emphasis on outperforming others may lead to perverse effects. Four studies show that assigning other-referenced performance goals, relative to self-referenced mastery goals, may lead to more interpersonally harmful behavior in an information exchange context. Results of Study 1 indicate that assigned performance goals lead to stronger thwarting behavior and less accurate information giving to an exchange partner than assigned mastery goals. Similarly, in Study 2 performance goal individuals more subtly deceived highly competent opponents relative (...)
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    Adaptive strategies and finite-conditional premise sets.Christian Straßer & Frederik Van De Putte - 2014 - Journal of Logic and Computation 26 (5):1517–1539.
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  50. Proof theories for superpositions of adaptive logics.Christian Straßer & Frederik van de Putte - 2016 - Logique Et Analyse 58 (230):307--346.
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